Who runs the world? Girls! (And Google)

As a website designer, my clients are concerned about SEO of course. Since many of them come to me during the startup phase, they almost always ask how to get their website ranked in Google. This is not a simple answer, and with Google’s new algorithms - it may be even trickier.

The one thing I tell anyone who is starting a new business, rebranding, or just wanting to be found online - is that they need a Google My Business. I’m not an expert here, so I usually refer them to articles discussing Google Business pages and how to best utilize them. I could literally copy and paste what the experts say here - but Google really hates that!

Learn more about how to set up and optimize your Google business listing.

Christie VanderLaan

Branding and website design for creatives who want to focus on their art, not on their website.


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