CSS - Who Needs It?

One of the reasons I love Squarespace is that there is little need to code. That said, there are a few things I like to be able to do that I can’t do through the style editor. For instance, who likes to see multiple lines with hyphens on the same page? Especially on mobile. The one essential bit of CSS I add to every Squarespace site I design is to turn off automatic hyphenation.

This is the CSS I use. I can’t guarantee it will work on all templates, but I haven’t run into any issues with it yet. Happy coding!

/* Hyphens */

p, h1, h2, h3, h4 {

-webkit-hyphens: manual !important;

-moz-hyphens: manual !important;

-ms-hyphens: manual !important;

hyphens: manual !important;


Christie VanderLaan

Branding and website design for creatives who want to focus on their art, not on their website.


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